For the second time, the Walzbachtal association “Familientreff Kunterbunt” together with the restaurant “Die Alm” in the Jöhlinger Naturfreundehaus is realizing a live concert under Corona conditions. The event technology service provider dlp motive, also based in Walzbachtal, was happy to support the association with equipment and manpower in the past even before Corona.
Helene Fischer plays for plant employess
In the best summer weather, around 15,000 company employees and their families accepted the invitation and spent an evening with a fantastic atmosphere and good music.
„Final Fantasy Fan Festival“ in La Grande Halle de la Villette
4500 fans of the Japanese online role-playing game made a pilgrimage to La Grande Halles de la Villete on 2 and 3 February this year.
100 years Kraftwerk and 20 years Trendfactory in Rottweil
Numerous constructive tricks were necessary to realise the structure safely.